2018年7月12日晚,北京大学海外访问学者、中央美术学院王其钧教授的名为《中国古代建筑》(FROM ANOTHER ANGLE TO SEE ANCIENT CHINESE ARCHITECTURE)的英文讲座在北京大学对外汉语教育学院举行。北京大学国际合作部的黄玉梅老师首先做了剪短的介绍:三十年来,王其钧教授的古建筑调查足迹遍布全国,收集了大量的资料与图片。此次讲座,王其钧博士将展示了自己拍摄的照片以及自己手绘的一批插图,从宏观到细部讲述中国古代建筑,使听众们能更好地理解中国传统建筑的美和传统建筑的高超设计与施工技艺。
王其钧经常给外国学者和留学生用英文讲述中国古代建筑。北京外国语大学举办的欧盟培训班、中国文化中心举办的美国建筑学学生中国考察班等,都请王其钧提供过系列讲座。另外,王其钧用英语撰写的《中国古建筑》一书已经在纽约BETTER LINK PRESS出版,这也为讲座的内容提供了丰富的信息。
Ancient Chinese architecture distinguishs itself from European architecture. Its history can be traced back to over 2000 years ago. Despite many different times and dynasties, its main features has been preserved until today. This class will introduce Chinese architecture through the functional and cultural perspective. It covers a variety of architecture including the royal palaces, the royal tombs, the royal gardens versus public and private gardens, religious and ritual sites, bridges, and so on. The speaker is a famous architecture historian in China, Professor Wang Qijun, who has published many books on ancient Chinese architecture, including the book CHINESE ARCHITECTURE, published in New York. You will have the opportunity to see a variety of ancient Chinese architecture you have never seen before through photos and illustrations provided by the professor.
WANG Qijun
Wang Qijun: Professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts; Researcher of the Oriental Murals Research Institute of the School of Painting of China Academy of Art; Director of the Office of Water Color Painting Art Committee of China Artists Association; Overseas Visiting Scholar of Peking University; Vice President of the Ancient Garden Architecture Research Society of China Yuanmingyuan Society; Vice President of Association of Chinese Cultural Promotion – Canada Professor. Wang has published tremendous works on Chinese arts and Chinese architecture. His work CHINESE ARCHITECTURE written in English was published in US. Some of his Chinese books have been translated into six languages including English, French, German, Japanese, Korean and Latin. His oil painting was selected into the 29th Olympic Fine Arts Exhibition and has been collected by the Organizing Committee. Professor. Wang has held his personal art exhibition in Canada and Germany. His paintings have been exhibited and awarded in many important exhibitions. His works were awarded the “Chinese Fine Arts Award” issued jointly by the Ministry of Culture of China, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and China Artists Association. His oil painting won the silver award at the Asian Biennial Exhibition.
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